Sl. No |
1 |
Notification No. A.46013/2/2006-GAD dt.24.8.06 from Govt. of Mizoram |
Renaming the R & R Deptt. As DM & R Deptt. With new allocation of business |
Application in writing |
Govt of Mizoram (GAD) |
2 |
D.O.No.7/49/85-MZ |
Approved Scheme for rehabilitation of MNF personnel. |
Application in writing |
Govt of Mizoram (CS) |
3 |
Document |
List of MNF Returnees |
Application in writing |
Director, |
4 |
Memorandum of Settlement(MOU) between UNDP and Govt of Mizoram R & R Deptt. |
MoU for implementation of GoI-UNDP Disaster Risk Management Programme |
Application in writing |
Govt of Mizoram |
5 |
Document |
12th Finance Commission Recommendation on Calamity Relief |
Application in writing |
Director, DM & R Mizoram |
6 |
Document |
Scheme for constitution and administration of the Calamity Relief Fund (CRF) |
Application in writing |
Director, DM & R Mizoram |
7 |
Document |
Scheme for constitution and administration of the National Calamity Contingency Fund (CRF) |
Application in writing |
Director, |
8 |
Notification No.G.11025/1/2005-FCC dt. 29.7.2005 |
Constitution of a Calamity Relief Fund for the State of Mizoram |
Application in writing |
Govt. of Mizoram, (Finance |
9 |
Notification (Gazette) No.B.13011/17/2006-REH dt. 23.5.2006 |
Constitution of State Disaster Management Authority |
Application in writing |
Govt. of Mizoram (DM & R Deptt.) |
10 |
Notification (Gazette) No.B.13011/17/2006-REH dt. 23.5.2006 |
Constitution of State Executive Committee |
Application in writing |
Govt. of Mizoram (DM & R Deptt.) |
11 |
Notification (Gazette) No.B.13011/17/2006-REH dt. 6.6.2006 |
Constitution of District Disaster Management Authority |
Application in writing |
Govt. of Mizoram (DM & R Deptt.) |
12 |
Notification (Gazette) dt. 27.7.99 |
Rules for payment of Ex-Gratia Grants to the victims of |
Application in writing |
Govt. of Mizoram (Finance Deptt.) |
13 |
Letter No. 32-34/2005 NDM – I |
Revision of Items and Norms of assistance from the CRF and NCCF for the period from 2005-2010 |
Application in writing |
Govt. of Mizoram (Finance Deptt.) |
14 |
Notification No.B.16018/3/99-REH dt. 27.10.99 from Govt. of Mizoram |
Constitution of Relief & Rehabilitation Advisory Board |
Application in writing |
Govt. of Mizoram, DM & R Deptt. |
15 |
Notification No.B.16018/3/99-REH dt. 20.5.2005 from Govt. of Mizoram |
Re-constitution of Relief & Rehabilitation Advisory Board |
Application in writing |
Govt. of Mizoram, |
16 |
Notification No.A.33011/4/2003-REH dt. 7.8.2003 from Govt. of Mizoram |
Constitution of State Steering Committee of GoI– UNDP |
Application in writing |
Govt. of Mizoram, |
17 |
Notification No.A.33011/4/2004-REH dt. 24.9.04 from Govt. of Mizoram |
Setting up of State High level Committee to select Officers |
Application in writing |
Govt. of Mizoram, |
18 |
Notification No.B.13012/15/2004-REH dt. 11.11.2004 from Govt. of Mizoram |
Setting up of working Group to develop Information Education Communication (IEC) |
Application in writing |
Govt. of Mizoram, |
19 |
Notification No.A.33011/6/2003-REH dt. 17.11.2006 from Govt. of Mizoram |
Constitution of Selection Committee for appointment of Field Officers under GoI-UNDP |
Application in writing |
Govt. of Mizoram, |
20 |
Notification No.A.45011/1/2005-REH/139 dt. 12.4.2006 from Govt. of Mizoram |
Designation of Pu P.C. Lalthlamuana, Director, DM & R as First Appellate Authority |
Application in writing |
Govt. of Mizoram, |
21 |
Notification |
Appointment of Pi. Zodingpuii D/D as SPIO – I |
Application in writing |
Govt. of Mizoram, |
22 |
Notification No.A.45011/1/2005-DMR dt. 5.12.2006 from Govt. of Mizoram |
Appointment of Pu Rohlira, Superintendent as SPIO – II |
Application in writing |
Govt. of Mizoram, |
23 |
Notification No.B.13021/18/2007-DMR dt. 17.5.2007 from Govt. of Mizoram |
Formation of a Govt. of Mizoram to received and assist the Central Team in connection with flowering bamboo-famine in Mizoram |
Application in writing |
Govt. of Mizoram, |
24 |
Letter No.7/49/86-MZ dt. 17.7.86 from GoI, MHA |
Grant of Rs. 1,91,00,000/- for rehabilitation of MNF personnels coming over ground |
Application in writing |
Govt. of Mizoram, |
25 |
Letter No.F.16039/1/86-REH/46 dt. 19.9.86 from Govt. of Mizoram |
Sanction of Rs. 5,54,000/- for advance payment of Rehabilitation grant to 554 personnels of MNF Returnees at Rs.1,000/- |
Application in writing |
Govt. of Mizoram, |
26 |
Letter No.F.16099/1/86-REH/48-58 dt. 3.10.86 from Govt. of Mizoram |
Sanction of Rs. 86,26,000/- for Rehabilitation of 454 MNF personnels for faking up Grocery Trade at Rs. 19,000/- |
Application in writing |
Govt. of Mizoram, |
27 |
Letter No.F.16039/1/86-REH/65-66 dt. 20.10.86 from Govt. of Mizoram |
Sanction of Rs. 14,25,000/- for Rehabilitation of 75 MNF personnels for Grocery Trade @ Rs. 19,000/- |
Application in writing |
Govt. of Mizoram, |
28 |
Letter No.F.16039/1/86-REH/80-81 dt. 23.10.86 from Govt. of Mizoram |
Sanction of Rs. 14,25,000/- for Rehabilitation of 75 MNF personnels for Grocery Trade @ Rs. 19,000/- |
Application in writing |
Govt. of Mizoram, |
29 |
Letter No.F.16039/1/86-REH/65-66 dt. 20.10.86 from Govt. of Mizoram |
Sanction of Rs. 14,25,000/- for Rehabilitation of 75 MNF personnels for Grocery Trade @ Rs. 19,000/- |
Application in writing |
Govt. of Mizoram, |
30 |
Letter No.F.16039/1/86-REH/88-89 dt. 1.12.86 from Govt. of Mizoram |
Sanction of Rs. 1,14,000/- for Rehabilitation of 6 MNF personnels for Grocery Trade |
Application in writing |
Govt. of Mizoram, |
31 |
Letter No.7/19/2001-MZ/W.E.II dt. 28.3.05 from Govt. of India, MHA |
Sanction of Rs. 3,11,00,000/-/- for for payment of Ex-gratia to 2075 dependants of persons killed during insurgency from 1966 onward @ Rs. 15,000/- |
Application in writing |
Govt. of Mizoram, |
32 |
Letter No.B.13021/53/2000-REH dt. 7.12.05 from Govt. of Mizoram |
Approved list of persons killed during insurgency for payment of |
Application in writing |
Govt. of Mizoram, |
33 |
Letter No.F.16040/1/86-DTE(REH) dt. 31.3.88 from Govt. of Mizoram (R&R Deptt) |
Sanction of Rs. 2,60,000/- for MNF Housing Scheme. |
Application in writing |
Govt. of Mizoram, |
34 |
Letter No.7/29/86-MZ dt. 20.5.88 from Govt. of India, MHA |
Central assistance to Govt. of Mizoram for State Plan 1987 0 88 (Housing Assistance for MNF personnels |
Application in writing |
Govt. of Mizoram, |
35 |
Letter No.B.13021/3/94-REH dt. 24.4.95 from Govt. of Mizoram |
Sanction of Rs. 58,10,000/- for Housing Assistance to 581 families @ Rs. 10,000/- |
Application in writing |
Govt. of Mizoram, |
36 |
No.B.13011/4/2003-REH |
Sanction of Rs.103,67,541 under UNDP-DRM Programme |
Application in writing |
Govt. of Mizoram, |
37 |
No.B.13012/33/2006-DMR Dt. 13/3/2007 from |
Sanction of Rs. 169,07,246 under UNDP |
Application in writing |
Govt. of Mizoram, |
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